Thursday, 19 January 2012

The first week Primeira semana

Me, Astrid, Ivan, Laura and James - we rule the Museum Hotel!

2 semanas aqui até arranjarmos casa. Ou mansão. 

We get Marilyn "The Italian House Hunting machine" to help us settle, open bank accounts, find the god spots for lunch, etcetcetc. And above all she shows us the best chocolate. No mistake, it's amazing. In your honour San!

Look at this Sangita, it was perfection, I just thought of you and how you and Alastair should be here having it with us

Pessoal, vale a pena vir aqui só pelo chocolate!

And we get introduced to Karaka Bays where we fall in love with this gorgeous house.... sadly we would lose it.... but they bay is amazing. 

Uma das baías mais bonitas aqui na área. E a nossa casa vai ser nesta zona. Tem de ser!

Saturday the other guys went to the wine region, me unfortunately had to stay behind in bed feeling sick. Just my luck!
But Sunday Laura and i went for a drive, the east area of Wellington is gorgeous! the sea, the air, the mountains! And I got a driving/parking lesson, definitely need it! It would be probably be wise to get some serious lessons.... really....
Guiar aqui é porreiro, vai ser bom para eu treinar. mas preciso de umas lições, para minha segurança e segurança dos outros. Se bem que até agora ainda ninguém teve medo de ir no carro comigo.

Astrid and Ivan's house is near by - this is their view.

Laura stepped on a crab! You should have been there Shroom!

You can't see but the wind here is so strong that the clouds just whiz past and the weather changes very rapidly.
Não dá para ver mas o vento aqui é tão forte que as nuvens não param....

The next few days are a bit of a blur, with time at work and time house hunting... Marilyn keeps feeding us ice cream and chocolate. Not a bad life. It feels like a holiday but we have to go to work.... a bit bizarre.... this is a rare day of no wind - just pure sunshine.

A água não é a mais quente infelizmente, Temperatura semelhante ao Atlântico.

And despite our broken hearts from having lost the house in Karaka Bays, we have taken this one. Wonderful views, too much space, great for parties and visitors. We took us a while but we have a home. And furniture soon.

Vamos ter umas festas aqui no deck. Uns churrascos com esta vista.

And that's the house.
Lar doce Lar. Para a semana.

Next post. Weta.

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