Tuesday, 24 January 2012

All together now!


Buying a car is fun. Laura and I went to the auction place to do a recon. 
Comprar carro ao estilo da Nova Zelândia
vais ao stand
escolhes o carro
dás uma voltinha
esperas pelo leilão
batalhas com as outras pessoas pelo mais barato
levas o carro para casa meia hora depois
negócio feito!

We researched the cars we like with the help of Robyn our new car dealer friend.

Laura got trapped between all the cars....

Talvez o meu futuro carrinho!

I'm considering a little Mazda Demio
Looks like a safe option for the driving skills challenged.....

Especially now Astrid has found a driving instructor for me and Ivan. 
Apparently he teaches special needs.
Thanks astrid!

We watched the auction bit, exciting!!!!! We will aim for cheapness. Laura was ready to buy 4 or 5 cars 'cause they were such bargains!


Dinner with the other Londoners
All together now!

Ben Taylor has started and we all had dinner with him and Esther

Amazing japanese restaurant
Ivan is in "attack the steaming cabbage" mode

Jantar japonês, um bocado estranho mas delicioso....

 Cervejola japónica


Para a próxima sentamo-nos á tradicional

Buenas noches!


  1. very much enjoying the blog Ana.
    Lokks like you guys are having lots of fun and settlinh in well! :)
    miss you all xx

  2. We miss you too Purks!!! Giant hugs!

  3. Toca a actualizar o blog.

    Tamos a seguir tudo aqui deste lado e desde 24 de Janeiro NÁ PÁ.

    Como é a nossa bida?


