Tuesday, 28 February 2012


We live in an amazing area. 
This is not meant to make you jealous, only to show you the beauty of Wellington.

A nossa casa

Aqui, as casas nas encostas têm pequenos cestos em elevadores para carregar comida e pessoas

here's an example of the small private lifts used to carry things and people to the houses on the slopes

Monday, 27 February 2012

Weta Oscars Party!

Em antecipação da noite dos Óscares a Weta organizou uma festa para celebrar a possibilidade do Rise of the Planet of the Apes ganhar o Óscar dos Efeitos Visuais.  Infelizmente nós queriamos que fosse o Potter a ganhar.... estávamos em território inimigo!!!!

So when we arrived this is what was expecting us, a loooong qeueu! Why?

Because of this guy!!!! Everyone was taking photos with him. There should be an official photo of us with it, but I don't have it yet.

Here's Mr Taylor sharing the golden glow
the rest of the gang at the Foxglove balcomy

!!!!and then the moment came for the big announcement!!!

Trust Astrid and Ivan to find a confortable table in the middle of the crowd. Pure style!

and the winner is........
